der's right to abolish this bulls-hit clan rule of “keep the blood purity and forbid intermarriage with civilians“. When my brother was expelled from the family by you, I had a great opinion on you. The elders of the Bedivere family have a high status(既然你承认我是这个家族的族长,那么我便动用族长的权利,废除掉这个狗屁“保持血统纯洁,不许与平民通婚”的族规,当初我的哥哥被你们赶出家族的时候,我就对你们有着很大的意见,贝德维尔家族地位崇高的元老们)!”
“Enough(够了)!”年龄最大、地位最高的元老满脸怒容,“ Now, the family is separated from all kinds of troubles. It's not the time for internal strife(现如今家族才从各种麻烦的旋涡中脱离出来,元气大伤,不是起内讧的时候)!”
“I have no objection to Lucy's return, but she has to hand over a sample that belongs to the family and is taken away by the man(对于露西的回归我并没有任何异议,但是她得交出一样本就属于家族,却被那个男人带走了的东西).”一名脸色阴沉得可以淌出水来的元老死死盯着露西,他的眼神就如同捕食的猫头鹰一般。
“Believe it or not, I don't know what you've been looking for, and my father never left me anything(不管你们信与不信,我并不知道你们一直在寻找的是什么东西,我的父亲也从来没有给我留下过任何东西).”露西双手十指交叉,双肘抵在桌上,扫视着诸位元老们,一副初生牛犊不怕虎的模样,即使不是身处这张可以无所忌惮平