soned him here to find out the antidote to save him. Later, I found that it was impossible. So I changed my mind and used his blood to develop and strengthen serum, which can be made into super soldier serum(父亲他成了恐怖嗜血的怪物,一开始我将他囚禁于此,是想要研究出解救他的解药,后来发现这根本不可能,于是我改了个思路,用他的血液研发强化血清,可以制作出超级战士的血清).”
“All I have done is to completely revitalize the family, take the family on a broad road, and let the family develop to an unprecedented level! I want Bedivere's name to be famous all over the world. I want all other families to submit to us and crawl under our feet. I want to be the king of the world. I want to rule the world and all mankind(我所做的一切都是为了彻底振兴家族,将家族带上一条康庄大道,让家族发展到一个前所未有的地步!我要让贝德维尔的名号响亮全球,让所有其他的家族臣服于我们,匍匐在我们脚下,我要当人间君王,我要统治世界,统治全人类)!”
“Come on, my niece, now I'll throw you an olive branch and invite you to join me to accomplish the feat never seen before(来吧,我的侄女,现在我向你抛出橄榄枝,邀请你加入我,共同完成千古未有的壮举)!”