hat the sword is full of mysterious and powerful power. Is this the treasure that my brother brought out of the family?(好诡异的剑,即使距离这么远,我依然能感受到那把剑上充满了神秘而强大的力量,这难道就是哥哥带出家族的宝物吗?).”马库斯自言自语道,神色惊疑不定。
“Marcus, don't fight senselessly. What you have done is not enough to die, even a thousand or ten thousand times, to repay your sins(马库斯,不要作无谓的反抗了,你所做的一切,死不足惜,甚至死上一千次,一万次,都不足以偿还你的罪孽).”面对昔日对之充满尊敬的亲叔叔,露西的语气冰冷得有如深海,坚定得有如沉入深海的铁块。
马库斯不怒反笑,任由自己身上的血液横流,“All I did was for the Bedivere family! I want to unify the British Isles, I want to dominate the world(我所做的一切都是为了贝德维尔家族!我要统一不列颠群岛,我要称霸世界)!”
“It's hypocritical and pathetic. You say that for the sake of the family, in fact, it's just to satisfy your ambition(真是虚伪又可悲,你嘴上说着为了家族,其实就只是为了满足自己的野心)。”露西深知无论如何也无法规劝对方回头了,她的语气充满了怜悯,“You are just a frog at the bottom of the well,and you are looking at the sky(你只不过是一只坐井观天